Nonviolent communication (NVC), labeled “Mediation and non-violent conflict resolution”
for the purposes of this project, is an intra-relational conflict resolution tool applicable to
PFAC conflict transformation objectives in WR.

Developed in part by Dr. Marshall
Rosenberg, protection (nonviolent) communication supports a basic and direct manner of
communication that uncovers human needs behind conflict. (Dr. Marshall Rosenberg,
2000) The Voice of Communities (VOC) internet radio station will utilize NVC strategies to
facilitate and broadcast conflict transformation programs to mitigate Racism,
Discrimination, Gender Based Violence (GBV) and black youth radicalization in waterloo
Region (WR).
VOC internet radio will organize radio talk shows with Immigrant and law income
community members to share their experiences with access to housing and
challenges such as Reno-eviction, References, a year's statement of income especially for newcomers, bed bug issues and where to get support. Our collaboration with the Social Development Centre Waterloo region and other grassroots groups working on affordable housing issues will provide support and experts so we can address the challenges specific to racialized groups.
VOC internet radio will Broadcasting a community peace dialogue roundtable
process, focusing on Racism and Discrimination, Gender Based Violence,
challenges, and opportunities of parenting in Canada and youth leadership. The
establishment and composition of the roundtable dialogue process will be achieved
in a participatory fashion in collaboration with community partners. proposed
radio programs April 30-2022-April 30-2023 are as follow:
1. My House and My Life: This show will create space of all immigrant’s community
members, old and young, male and female, refugees, newcomers and immigrants.
2. Ask Our Elders: This show will shed light on senior’s experience and challenges of
access to housing in Waterloo Region: Immigrant seniors are twice as likely to live
in poverty than young people Kitchener/Waterloo is the core housing has a critical
need for seniors who are below the poverty line.
3. This is My Child: This show will highlight challenges of immigrants parenting in
Canada Parenting in a culturally diverse society is challenging for new immigrants,
trying to understand the intersection between cultures.
4. Our Youth Our Future: This show will provide immigrant youth with space to
share their experiences, challenges, and opportunities to build their future.
5. Let Take Peace: This show will create space for immigrant communities to share
their experiences, wisdom, cultures, traditions, and norms to prevent all forms of
violent conflicts including domestic violence including Gender Based Violence
(GBV) and promote communit based nonviolence conflict resolutions.